Advection operator

This is an example of the 1D scalar advection problem.

Problem formulation

The advection problem is given by

\[\dfrac{\partial u}{\partial t} + c \dfrac{\partial u}{\partial x} = 0\]

where $u = u(x,t)$ and $c$ is its associated phase speed.

The weak form is given by

\[\int_\Omega v \left(\dfrac{\partial u}{\partial t} \right) dV - \int_\Omega c u \left( \dfrac{\partial v}{\partial x} \right) dV = 0, \forall v \in V\]

for an appropriate test space $V \subseteq H^1 \left( \Omega \right)$ on the domain. In this weak formulation, boundary terms have been omitted, as they are not present on the infinite grid for Local Fourier Analysis.

LFAToolkit code

The advection operator is a classical test case to see dispersion spectrum inside LFAToolkit. Here we show the advection operator on a non-polynomial basis derived from the Hale-Trefethen strip transformation applied to a H1 Lagrange basis.

For further discussion on non-polynomial bases, see Nicholas Hale, Lloyd N Trefethen (2008).

# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# advection example following Melvin, Staniforth and Thuburn
# Q.J:R. Meteorol. Soc. 138: 1934-1947, Oct (2012)
# non polynomial advection example using transplanted (transformed)
# quadrature formulas from conformal maps following Hale and
# Trefethen (2008) SIAM J. NUMER. ANAL. Vol. 46, No. 2
# In this example, we can call other mapping options available
# i.e, sausage_transformation(9), kosloff_talezer_transformation(0.98)
# otherwise, run without mapping
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

using LFAToolkit
using LinearAlgebra

# setup
mesh = Mesh1D(1.0)
p = 4;
q = p;
collocate = false
mapping = hale_trefethen_strip_transformation(1.4)
basis =
    TensorH1LagrangeBasis(p, q, 1, 1, collocatedquadrature = collocate, mapping = mapping)

# frequency set up
numbersteps = 100
θ_min = 0
θ_max = (p - 1) * π
θ = LinRange(θ_min, θ_max, numbersteps)

# associated phase speed
c = 1.0

# weak form
function advectionweakform(u::Array{Float64}, w::Array{Float64})
    dv = c * u * w[1]
    return [dv]

# advection operator
inputs = [
    OperatorField(basis, [EvaluationMode.interpolation], "advected field"),
    OperatorField(basis, [EvaluationMode.quadratureweights], "quadrature weights"),
outputs = [OperatorField(basis, [EvaluationMode.gradient])]
advection = Operator(advectionweakform, mesh, inputs, outputs)
mass =
    GalleryOperator("mass", p, q, mesh, collocatedquadrature = collocate, mapping = mapping)

# compute operator symbols
function advection_symbol(θ)
    A = computesymbols(advection, [θ]) * 2 # transform from reference to physical on dx=1 grid
    M = computesymbols(mass, [θ]) # mass matrix
    return sort(imag.(eigvals(-M \ A)))

eigenvalues = hcat(advection_symbol.(θ)...)'

# ---------------------------------------------------------------